What is poedit and what does it do
What is poedit and what does it do

what is poedit and what does it do

I will not be using this parameter for the example, so i’ll stop there. We will ignore this parameter because it’s no longer used as of WordPress 2.7, originally you would use this parameter to declare the path to the language files in your plugin, based on the WordPress ABSPATH. The name (or domain) declared here will also prefix all translation files used in your plugin, so do try to KISS. You’ll have to reference this alot in your plugin, so it certainly helps to make it something easy to remember and quick to type. This is basically the name for your text domain. However, let’s just run by the parameters for load_plugin_textdomain very briefly. Of course the codex entry does leave a little to be desired, not really giving much in the way of an easy to follow example.

what is poedit and what does it do


NOTE: This is intended for code literate users, those of you who can already code but just need a quick run down on how to utilise the translation functionality inside a plugin.įirstly your plugin will need to register a text domain for performing translation tasks, you can read more on that here. Those of who would just prefer to see example code can skip straight to the plugin download. Well a couple of months have passed since i last put my head down and read up on the translation process, and fortunately for me the persistance in grasping the technique has paid off, i’ve managed (well i hope) to grasp the fundamental points of how to prepare a plugin for translation, and additionally how to run through a translation process. Plugin translation has never for me seemed an easy task, i could never quite follow the mish mash of differing information around the web, and none of the guides available ever seemed to answer the specifics of what i needed to know about setting up a plugin for translation.

What is poedit and what does it do